Published on January 8, 2020

Benefits of a Premiere Vitamin C Serum

By Nila

Ask any skincare professional about ingredients credited with benefits that authentically provide all they are claimed to offer, and almost 100% would point towards a Vitamin C Serum. In other words: it does work and do the many things it promises to do, including:

  • Even out skin tone
  • Improve skin texture
  • Reduce or eliminate fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce acne scars and other similar marks
  • Brighten dull skin
  • Protect from UV light damage and more

Almost any common complaint about complexion is likely to find a remedy in a high-quality Vitamin C Serum, like the one we make available. 

How Does Vitamin C Serum Offer So Many Benefits?

Vitamin C is a vitamin, naturally, and an antioxidant. We hear that phrase a lot but may not know what that actually means. To keep it simple, our cells can develop what is known as free radicals, which lead to cell damage. Often, free radicals come about because of something known as oxidative stress. When abundant antioxidants are in the area of the cells, though, the free radicals are almost immediately neutralized, and damages are prevented. 

Additionally, vitamin C is crucial for natural regeneration processes in the skin, so it does “double duty” of preventing and helping repair.

Vitamin C is acidic, and when topically applied cues the skin to generate elastin and collagen. Collagen and elastin are what give the skin a plumper, healthier appearance. Vitamin C will also inhibit the production of melanin, which is why we develop dark spots and age spots over time. Vitamin C serum works as a dark spot remover on your worst spots, and  it can also help prevent new spots from forming.

 There are so many serums on the market. Which one to buy?

As you begin the hunt for an effective product, you will find that many options in Vitamin C products offer only a five (5%) percent serum. It is ideal if you have very sensitive skin, but when you want the fastest results possible (and when your skin is not extraordinarily sensitive), a higher concentration is needed.  Look for a Vitamin C serum with concentration around 20%. For instance, NeoNaturelle antioxidant and anti-aging  Vitamin C Serum has a high Vitamin C concentration of 23%!  Also, the vitamin C derivative used in the formulation is gentle on the skin. It has excellent skin penetration properties and as a result offers increased cell protection against UV-B. The skin cell viability is increased up to 30% when compared with l-ascorbic acid

Water-Free Formulation and Beneficial Ingredients

The importance of water-free formulation shouldn’t be overlooked. As soon as Vitamin C dissolved in the water starts to oxidize. The process is visible as the colour of the solution changes, shifting from clear to yellowish-brown. It reduces the potency of vitamin C, and even makes it a compound capable of causing skin damage.

NeoNaturelle antioxidant and anti-aging  Vitamin C Serum is a waterless serum, meaning that it relies on active ingredients rather than water to improve your skin. In addition to Vitamin C it has Aloe vera, Vitamin E, Rosehip oil along with other natural beneficial ingredients, that help to deeply moisturize and nourish your skin.

What to Expect from NeoNaturelle Vitamin C Serum?

This Vitamin C Serum is super stable. You will be able to enjoy the full potency of this serum till the last drop.  It will not change over time its golden colour nor its tropical scent. The quick-absorbing formula is easy to use, few drops will be enough to cover your face, neck and décolletage.  If you have never used Vitamin C at high concentration it is prudent to start slowly, use product 2 -3 times a week and increase use with time if there are no signs of sensitivity.

Things to Know

Topically applied vitamin C is a remarkably beneficial remedy for a long list of common complexion complaints. When you want protection from the damages caused by sun exposure, time, scarring, and aging, vitamin C is the champion. However, it must be formulated properly, and that is precisely what you can expect when you use our high concentration, safe, and beautifully scented serum.

for more information visit article from National Institute of Health  

or read our blog Unlocking the Secretes of Vitamin C serums