
Published on June 17, 2021

Are You Hiding Your Feet ?

By Marina

Finally, summer is here, and we are ready to remove our socks and wear sandals … or are we??

I looked at my feet and realized that I am fa-a-a-ar from been ready. The skin is dry and callouses on the souls of my feet are not appealing. My cracked heels are terrifying.

Ok we have an option to go to a salon and do a pedicure if your province or state allows them to be opened.


We can do DIY project in the comfort of your home and it will cost you $5.

Trust me you will have a baby-feet after following these instructions.

 Things we need:

  1. 1 small bottle of non-coated aspirin, (from the dollar store works just fine)
  2. 1 lemon, (or enough lemon juice to equal one lemon)
  3. 1 small bowl for mixing,
  4. 1 container large enough to soak your feet in,
  5. 1 cup of vinegar, 1 cup of mouthwash, 2 cups of very warm water (optional),
  6. Plastic wrap to wrap tightly around your feet and pair of socks,
  7. A very thick, rich moisturizer (I would recommend NeoNaturelle 5 in 1 Skin Remedy)


How to:

  1. Soak your feet in water that is as hot as you can stand for about 20 minutes. I soak them in a mouthwash/vinegar/water mixture. As per point e) above. We want to soften up the skin on our feet before we apply the peel paste.
  2. Take the bottle of Aspirin and empty pills into the bowl. Put it aside.
  3. Squeeze the lemon juice out of the lemon. Pour the lemon juice over the aspirin to form a paste. If the consistency is too thick, you can squeeze another wedge lemon.
  4. Aspirin suppose to start melting as soon as your poor lemon juice into it creating a paste. Mix it well.
  5. Dry off your feet. Apply thick moisturizer or cream on the top portion of your feet where skin is soft and delicate. By doing this we will protect that portion of our feet where we do not want skin to peel off. Leave the bottom of your skin clean and dry.
  6. Take the paste (lemon juice and aspirin) and rub on the bottom of your feet.
  7. Take plastic wrap and cover each foot entirely. To secure plastic wrap take an old but well fitted socks and put them on.
  8. You can wear it at night and sleep in them or at least wear them for 2 hours. In that case you may need to repeat this application consecutively in the next 3-4 days.
  9. Next morning if you do it overnight or after the application time is over, remove the wrap, wash, and dry your feet. Apply a moisturizer. Lemon juice will make your skin very dry.
  10. Keep applying the moisturizing cream daily.
  11. Do not expect results on the next day, it will take 3 -4 days. You will see your skin is peeling off.


 The Results

Before it looks great, it will look somewhat gross. As I have mentioned above in the next few days after the application your skin start peeling off your feet.

But this is what we need to go through if you want baby feet.



If you achieved results you want after first application – congratulations, you have baby feet.

If not- you can continue with applications. However, put the paste ONLY on the areas that had not been peeled off.

You do not want to burn new skin.

Continue to apply a reach moisturizer or NeoNaturelle 5 in 1 Skin Remedy  for the next few days.

New skin is very delicate and needs protection.

For the video with detailed instructions visit our YouTube channel:

Nila Cook and NeoNaturelle, see link below.


 You will find other  useful skin care tips.